Top 6 Reasons Why Your Washing Machine Is Leaking

Top 6 Reasons Why Your Washing Machine Is Leaking
Our reliance on our washing machines means any malfunction becomes a massive problem. This stress only increases once we start to notice water on the floor around the machine. The sooner you find the cause, the sooner you can get it fixed. So why is your washing machine leaking?
The first step is to get a better understanding of your machine. The more you know about its components and design, the easier it is to deal with possible faults. For example, front-loading machines have different leak risks than top-loading machines. There are also all the different hoses and connections at the back, the valves, and the pump.
You also need to look at where the leak is coming from. Is the water pooling behind the machine, flowing from directly underneath, or coming out of the front. Pinpointing the location can help you narrow down the culprit. For example, leaks at the front are often associated with door issues, while leaks at the back suggest hose breakages or connection issues.
If you want to handle this yourself, you need to be prepared to get a little dirty and deal with any water that may drain out of the machine. You don’t want to cause a bigger flood in your kitchen or utility room. Use the tips below to check some of the most common problems. Once you’ve located the fault, you can determine whether you need a quick DIY solution or a professional washing machine repair service.
There are 6 different types of problems we will look at today that could explain a washing machine leaking. They are as follows.

Damaged or Disconnected Hoses

A good place to start when you discover a washing machine leaking is to look at the hoses at the back. These feed water in and out, filling the drum from the main water supply in your home and draining it away. Problems here could cause leaks from behind the machine, as the water escapes onto the floor before entering the machine.
Check the water supply valves by the washing machine. Are these connections secure? Is there any water here that may indicate an issue at this end of the process? If not, check the hoses themselves to see if they are wet or if there is any obvious area where there is a leak. This could mean there is damage to the hose, such as a puncture or tear. Hoses can easily break over time as the rubber cracks and decays.
Also, if there is a leak on a new machine, it could be that the drain hose plug is still in place. This plug is installed by manufacturers and needs to be removed when connecting the drain hose for the first time.

Door Faults: Faulty Door Seals or Gasket Wear and Tear

If the leak is located at the front of a front-loading machine, there may be a problem with the door. A front-loading door is a convenient feature, but only if there is a secure seal and closure to keep the water in. Over time, these seals can wear down, leaving gaps where water can leak out during a washing cycle.
The same goes for the gasket at the front of the machine. This is important for creating a tight seal in the drum to stop water from draining out too early. You should clean the gasket regularly to remove any clogs that might stop it from working properly, and to look out for any damage. If the gasket is in good condition, check the door itself. A weakness in the catch or a misalignment on the door’s hinge could be enough to create a leak. The severity of the issue will determine whether you need a quick repair or a full replacement.
Don’t assume that you are safe from door-related leaks if you have a top-loading machine instead. Water can come through here if your machine isn’t level, if you have overloaded the machine, or if there are too many soap suds.

Problems With the Water Pump

Another issue to watch out for is water pump malfunctions. Your water pump is an important part of the machine’s mechanism. It circulates water through the machine, allowing for an efficient cleaning cycle. As soon as this pump becomes disconnected or broken, the water has to find a new route out of the drum, which usually means out onto the floor.
Mechanical faults often come from foreign objects becoming lodged in the pump, such as stones, coins, or dirt. This is why it is vital to clear out all pockets before washing our clothes. Unfortunately, this problem isn’t something you can work on yourself. You will need a new part, which means calling on a skilled washing machine repair service to get it back in working order.

Water Supply Connection Issues

It isn’t just the hoses that we need to pay attention to when looking at the water supply in and out of the machine. Check the water supply valves, where the water comes into the machine from the water supply in the building. Connection issues here could mean the water leaks over the floor from the back of the machine before it gets into the washer.
Also, the hoses and connection points should have rubber washers to create a tighter seal and prevent leaks. There is the common problem of the washers simply wearing down with time. Existing washers may be too weak, leaving gaps for water to seep through. Check your washers and play it safe if you aren’t sure about their condition. Get new ones or have a repair team replace them.

Clogged or Blocked Drains.

If there are no connection issues with the water hoses coming into the machine and no obvious damage to the hose at the back of the machine, the problem may lie within. Drainage system blockages are common. Extreme cases can obstruct water flow and force it back into the machine and out of any escape point it can find. These clogs gradually build up as more particles lodge in the hose after the cleaning cycle. This could be dirt, soap scum, and microfibers from clothing.
The sooner you tackle these clogs, and the more often you clean the drains, the easier it is to stop a washing machine leaking. Thankfully, this is something you don’t need a professional for as long as you don’t mind getting a little dirty. You can pour hot water down the drain to break up the soap and scum causing the blockage. You can also use baking soda to force any stubborn areas or perhaps a drain snake.

Faulty Inlet Valve

Finally, there are potential inlet valve issues. Your inlet valve is located on the back of the machine. It manages the water flowing into the machine, letting it fill the drum effectively. There are two gates inside, one for the hot water port and one for the cold water port, that open on command. the gates should stay closed until the machine tells it otherwise. However the valve could develop a fault and lose function. The electronics can burn out after frequent use, causing signal failures.
There is also the risk of the valve’s mesh filter screen clogging up, restricting water flow into the machine. Again, if the water can’t enter the machine quickly enough and has nowhere else to go, it will break free and leak all over the floor. Whatever the cause of a faulty inlet valve, you need to replace the whole thing rather than try and take it apart and repair components.

Fix Your Washing Machine Leaks Now

As soon as you notice your washing machine leaking, you need to act. You will only run the risk of bigger floods if you continue to use the machine. Inspect your machine, paying attention to the common culprits outlined above, and see where you have a fault or damage.
You must then decide whether to tackle the problem yourself, such as by cleaning the drain or replacing the washer, or to call in the professionals. Expert washing machine repair teams can go over the machine, find all the problems, and replace faulty parts. You can then continue to use your machine with peace of mind.
Don’t forget that regular maintenance can help prevent some of these issues from occurring in the near future. Inspect your hoses and connections more often, keep all the filters and drains clean, and don’t let anything enter the drum that shouldn’t be there. Look after your machine and it will look after your laundry for years to come.